19.1월 리온 잉글리쉬 공부 내용
2018, Dec 31
19년 1월 Leon 잉글리쉬를 하면서 조안나 선생님과 수업한 내용 중 유용했던 표현 들을 정리한 글
at night (항상 in the night 으로 썼는데, at night이 정확함)
art 관련된 질문의 내용 중 나왔던 표현
- 작품을 그대로 배끼는 필사 하는것 : trace / copy
- help them to enhance/improve : art가 우리에게 뭔가를 도움준다고 할 때 사용했던 표현
- reserved children = introverted children : 내성적인 아이 / 감정 표현이 서툰 아이
- is rich in ~ : ~에 풍부하다. (간단하면서도 영어 느낌적인 표현인것 같음)
- Korea is rich in art.
- art 관련 단어들 : express, emotion, understanding, emotional management, creativity, life
새해 관련 이야기를 하면서 나왔던 내용들
- solar / lunar calendar : 한국에서는 lunar calendar에 따른 New-year가 큰 행사임
- 새해에는 조상에게 제사를 지낸다는 걸 표현하면서 commemorate 라는 단어를 사용함
- 달을 표시할 때, In January, Feburary
월별로 ~ 한다 라고 말할때 on a monthly basis
- we are in the same boat. : 우리는 같은 처지야
- neighbor : 이웃, neighborhood : 동네
- Theses brochures have different neighborhoods in them.
- 안내 책자 : brochure
- I get the tourist information from online or brochure that sometimes you can get at the hotels.
- 딱, 바로 그것 : just
- 뜻밖에, 갑자기 : suddenly, unexpectedly, out of the blue
교육 관련된 주제
- values education, home education
- teacher is second parents
- 수업료 : tuition
- 불우한 : underprivileged
Restaurant 관련 주제로 한 내용
- Restaurant is better than home.
- = A restaurant is a better place to celebrate than at home.
- The most type of restaurant…
- = ___ restaurants
are favored
because… +. restaurant [RES-ter-uhnt], material [muh-TEER-ee-uhl]
- = ___ restaurants
- That kinds of restaurant…
- = Those kinds of restaurants…/That kind of restaurant…
- It’s a trend to make a mix.
- = It’s a trend to mix/combine two dishes into one.
- influence : 영향, influential : 영향력 있는
- have/exert influence upon : ~에 영향을 끼치다.
- at a young age. (in 이라고 써서 틀렸음)
Environment 관련 주제
- …which makes the air pollution or water pollution if they don’t relieve the pollution
= … which contributes to the air and water pollution if they
release their waste
without filtration - blew the air…
= emit into the air (letting out gas into the air)
- waste their litter into the land
- = throw/scatter their waste/litter on land
= improper disposal of garbage (좋은 표현)
- Government should give incentive or penalty …
- = The government should implement an incentive (reward)-penalty policy on proper/improper garbage disposal of factories.
- make more incentives for recycling, proper disposal of garbage.
pay for food : 음식을 지불하다.
- global warming = greenhouse effect
여행 관련 주제
- to get to destination.
- traveling around ~
to travel around ~
- I hear about ~ : ~에 들었다. 소문 같은거 들을 때는 listen to 를 쓰는 것은 맞지 않습니다.
is becoming : 뭔가가 변해간다고 할때, 현재 진행형 쓰는게 적합합니다.
- 장점 : pros, strength, strong, merit, advantage
단점 : cons, weakness, fault, shortcoming, demerits
- 저렴하다 : affordable
- I can afford to take low cost airplane.
미세 먼지 관련 주제
- called in sick
- upside down : 위 아래 거꾸로
- inside out : 안 밖 거꾸로
- pain : 고통
- stack : 쌓다
- respiratory : 호흡기관
- mackerel : 고등어
- every now and then. : 매일 매일
인터넷 관련 주제
- reach the destination
- The internet : 인터넷 앞에는 The를 쓴다.
Before the internet, people interact/communicate much more when meeting up.
- ~ 하기 너무 힘들다 : I’m struggling to ~
- 먹고 살기 너무 힘들다. : I’m struggling to make ends meet.
- 생계를 유지하다 : make ends meet.
- 살 빼기 너무 힘들다 : I’m struggling to lose weight.
- 기대에 부응하기 너무 힘들다 : I’m struggling to meet the expectations.
- 먹고 살기 너무 힘들다. : I’m struggling to make ends meet.
- 너무 징그러워~ : That’s gross.
롤 모델 관련 주제
- 사회에서 존경받는 사람은 누구인가?
- 어떤 사람이 존경을 받는가?
- 그런 사람들은 존경받는게 좋은가?
선생님들은 존경 받기 위해 어떤 행동을 보여주어야 하는가?
- respected
- look up to : I look up to my parents.
- in high regard : I hold her in high regard and want to be like her.
- devote : She devoted her whole life to social work
학생 교육 관련 주제
- patient, patience
- burdened
- tantrums : 울화 행동
- Some children have tantrums.
- try talk over mistakes.
- Children can learn from mistakes.
- It’s nothing to be ashamed of if you are child.
- Children don’t know what is good or bad.
- maturity
humpday (수요일?)
- 주어 동사에 잘 맞춰서 대답해야 합니다
- Are there any programmes/shows you don’t like to watch?
- you said: Yes, I am.
- you should say: Yes, there are.
- you said: I also want to start up like him.
you should say: I also want to start up my own business/ a business like him
- started his own business/set up his own business
- no pain no gain
potential profit
- low salary
- intense labor/the use of physical strength
- white-collar job/work
- blue-collar job/work