19.2월 리온 잉글리쉬 공부 내용
19년 3월 Leon 잉글리쉬를 하면서 조안나 선생님과 수업한 내용 중 유용했던 표현 들을 정리한 글
- 여행의 장점
- expose yourself to new thing.
make connection.
- 혼자 여행, 친구와 여행 장단점
If we travel with friends, we need to mediate the opinion where we go.
- Most people save money for a long time.
- After retiring from their jobs, people usually travel.
- Some people like travel and others don’t. It depends on their willingness.
- print ads.
- distribute the leaflet to people.
- TV and radio commercial
- WOM (word of mouth)
- testimony (증거)
- be exposed to advertisement.
- They pester their parents for the advertised product
- They are easier to persuade because they believe in advertisements without a doubt.
- persuade buyer
- made from : 재료
- made by : 회사?, 만든 출처
- made in : 지역
- patronize : 후원하다.
- 약육강식 : the law of the jungle, The weak are the prey of the strong.
- raise/keep pets
- to reduce the heart diseases.
- large chunk : 큰 덩어리
- obssesed with ~ : ~에 강박 관념을 가지다.
- 어떤 사람은 육식을 안할까?
- People have different reason
- They raise pets.
- Some country believes the religion or have special culture not to eat specific meat.
- Some people are vegetarian
- ecosystem will collapse
- ecological process will disrupted
property, wealth, possessions, asset : 재산
- sending a message, remind
- which agree
- bring it back
- trust issues
- mind you own business = do your own business
- laundromat
- job stability, job security
- What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business?
- How can small businesses benefit the people in the community where the businesses are located?
- What kinds of small business are most popular in your country?
- Why do some people open their own business?
- 융합하다. : merge, fuse
- Is it important to celebrate traditional festivals?
- you said: We can memorize the tradition…
you should say: We can remember the tradition and pass it on to the next generation.
- What is the most popular festival in your country?
- you said: I think Seoul was popular long time ago there are palace.
you should say: Since Seoul is popular for it’s palaces, traditional festivals are being held.
Are festivals important to a country’s tourist industry?
- Do you agree that the real meaning behind traditional festivals has been lost?
- you said: As time goes on, we forget the tradition meaning and we don’t want the real tradition way.
you should say: As time goes by, we forget the real meaning of traditional festivals because of changes.
What’s the difference between your traditional festivals and western festivals?
- Do young people in your country like to celebrate foreign festivals?
- you said: foreigner countries
- you should say: foreign countries
What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?
- property
- social or financial status answer: That’s a good question. Let me think…I’d say…
you said: The status of financial status is very essential point of status. you should say: The financial status is very essential aspect for recognition.
Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?
Why do you think people need to show their status in society?
- Censorship is required
- Censorship laws will loosen/flexible