19.4월 리온 잉글리쉬 공부 내용
2019, Mar 31
19년 4월 Leon 잉글리쉬를 하면서 조안나 선생님과 수업한 내용 중 유용했던 표현 들을 정리한 글
USEFUL EXPRESSIONS to use in IELTS Speaking Part3:
- Giving opinion/ Expressing Opinion:
- In my opinion/ In my view…
- I think/believe that…
- I think most people would agree that…
- As far as I am concerned…
- To repeat a statement/Rephrasing:
- What I mean is…
- What I actually meant was…
- Let me put it this way…
- Giving an example:
- For example,
- For instance,
- Agreeing with an opinion
- I couldn’t agree more…
- That’s exactly how I see it…
- Disagreeing an opinion
- Well, it depends…
- Disagreeing with an opinion:
- Well, it depends…
- I’m afraid I disagree…
- Yes, but there is also another aspect to consider…
- Buying some time/ Stalling for time:
- I have never really thought about it…
- I don’t know much about it…
- Commenting on your ideas
- This may sound strange but…
- Introducing other ideas/contrasting ideas:
- On the other hand…
- From a different perspective…
- Drawing the conclusion/ Ending a point/ discussion:
- So, that’s why I think that…
- Describe the general purpose of art. Why do people enjoy art?
- communication
- beauty
- generate strong emotions (happy, sad)
- give pleasure
- challenging (what it represents)
- Do you think that art is as important as academic subjects when it comes to educating children?
- When an individual becomes an adult…
- creativity
- critical thinking
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of art education?
HUMMS humanities and social sciences STEM science technology engineering math TECH-VOC technical-vocational
- Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others do not?
- social class
- education
- Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?
Eating habit
- Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.
- Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
- How may eating habits change in coming decades?
- What one aspect of a foreign tradition you like about their eating habits? Why?
- hoard : 저장하다. 보관하다.
leisure activities
- What type of leisure activities are popular in your country.
- There are many leisure activities in my country. But the most popular one is trekking. Because there are many mountains in my country. And people like to trekking the mountain on weekends because they want to have fresh air also relieve mental stress around the nature. So, that’s why I think that trekking is the most popular leisure activity in my country.
- Why is it important for people to have leisure activities?
- In my opinion, people need to relieve their stress because almost working people work on weekdays and they get a lot of stress from their business. So, people need to have a way of relieving stress and having leisure activity is the common and simple way to relieve their mental stress. So, I say that it is important to have leisure activities to relieve their stress.
- Have attitudes towards marriage changed in recent years?
- There have been many changes about marriage in my country. The trend has changed to simpler wedding ceremony nowadays. For example, in the past, a wedding ceremony is celebrated with a large number of people witnessing the event. When it comes to preparing a wedding ceremony, nowadays, we only need about 10 or 20 minutes to do so. People attending the ceremony don’t have enough time on weekends to buy wedding presents so they just transfer the money to the newlywed couple through an app and/or send congratulatory messages through the SNS. So in my country, the wedding ceremony has changed to simpler way.
Mobile phone, cell phone
- Which one do you use more often – a mobile phone or telephone? Why?
- I prefer to use a mobile phone because it has a lot of functions. For example, the mobile phone has a free messenger. And I can use that free messenger to communicate with others but I need to spend when I need to use the telephone. So the mobile phone is more convenient. A mobile phone has other functions like storing music and surfing the internet. These are some reasons why I use the mobile phone more often than the telephone.