19.5월, 6월 리온 잉글리쉬 공부 내용
2019, May 31
19년 5, 6월 Leon 잉글리쉬를 하면서 조안나 선생님과 수업한 내용 중 유용했던 표현 들을 정리한 글
- Question : Describe the ways that famous people influence the public
- I said : Public figure can influence the public on positive or negative ways. For instance, In the case of positive influence, There are great athletics or business men who make result or overcome the difficulties. When people exprience their stories, people can get courage or lessons. so they get energy or ideas to their job. On the other hand, the public figure can influence negative ways. Sometimes media handle their problem such as those who are addicted drug or unpleasant speaking which the public figure said. In these case, people can mimic or follow the public figure’s behavior or what they said. Therefore the famous people influence the public many kinds of way on positive or negative.
- Question : Why do you think people go on a holiday?
- I said : I think people usually go on a holiday to recharge themselves. Because they usually work in company to earn money. so they spend all energy that they have. therefore, through good food or trip on holiday, people get energy and feel happy, which can motivate their life. This is the main reason of going on a holiday.
Question : How important is it for families to go on holiday together?
Question : Why do some people go on holiday alone?
Question : What kind of holidays will be popular in the future?
Question : What kinds of holidays are popular now and will be in the future?
Question : Is it better to take a holiday in your own country or in a foreign country? Why?
Question : What problems can people have on holiday in a foreign country?