Necessary command for anaconda

Necessary command for anaconda

2018, Aug 19    

Real necessary command for conda

  • conda create –name(-n) test python=3.6
  • conda info –envs
  • activate, deactivate
  • conda update conda
  • conda list
  • pip install -ignore-installed tensorflow
  • pip uninstall tensorflow
  • conda remove -name(-n) test -all
  • conda clean -all(-a)

1.Conda Basic

Command Description
conda info Verify conda is installed, check version number
conda update conda Update conda to the current version
conda install PACKAGENAME Install a package included in Anaconda
conda update PACKAGENAME Update any installed program
COMMANDNAME –help conda install –help Command line help

2.Using Environments

Command Description
conda create –name py35 python=3.5 Create a new environment named py35, install Python 3.5
WINDOWS: activate py35, LINUX/macOS: source activate py35 Activate the new environment to use it
WINDOWS: deactivate, macOS/LINUX: source deactivate Deactivate the current environment
conda env list Get a list of all my environments
conda list List all packages and versions installed in active environment

conda list -n myenv shows package only in myenv.

3.Installing and updating packages

Command Description
conda install jupyter Install a new package (Jupyter Notebook) in the active environment
jupyter-notebook Run an installed package (Jupyter Notebook)
conda update scikit-learn Update a package in the current environment
conda install –channel conda-forge boltons Install a package (boltons) from a specific channel (conda-forge)
pip install boltons Install a package directly from PyPI into the current active environment using pip
conda remove –name bio-env toolz boltons Remove one or more packages (toolz, boltons) from a specific environment (bio-env)

4.Specifying version numbers

Command Description
numpy==1.11 Exact : 1.11.0 (Never use numpy = 1.11, it’s fuzzy)
“numpy>=1.11” Greater than or equal to : 1.11.0 or higher
“numpy>=1.8,<2” AND : 1.8, 1.9, not 2.0