CS231n 강의 목록
2018, Jan 11
- cs231n의 2017 강의를 공부하고 정리한 내용을 아래 내용과 같이 정리하였습니다.
- 강의 링크 : http://cs231n.stanford.edu/
- ① Introduction
- ② Image Classification
- ③ Loss Functions and Optimization
- ④ Backpropagation and Neural Networks
- ⑤ Convolutional Neural Networks
- ⑥ Training Neural Networks 1
- ⑦ Training Neural Networks 2
- ⑧ Deep Learning Software
- ⑨ CNN Architectures
- ⑩ Recurrent Neural Network
- ⑪ Detection and Segmentation
- ⑫ Visualizing and Understanding
- ⑬ Generative Models
- ⑭ Deep Reinforcement Learning
- ⑮ Efficient Methods and Hardware for Deep Learning