All about jupyter notebook

Useful command in jupyter notebook %command : run one line in selected cell %%command :...

1 minute read

mnist_mlp with Tensorflow

github : mnist_mlp with Tensorflow Code mlp with mnist dataset with Tensorflow import tensorflow as...

4 minute read

코너점(Corner) 검출 - cornerEigenValsAndVecs

Reference : Python으로 배우는 OpenCV 프로그래밍 Code : OpenCV를 이용하여 영상에서의 코너점을 검출하는 방법에...

1 minute read

코너점(Corner) 검출 - preCornerDetect

Reference : Python으로 배우는 OpenCV 프로그래밍 Code : ** 오늘 하루도 즐거운 하루 되길...

3 minute read

Early stopping with Keras

github : Early Stopping with Keras Code Early Stopping with Keras In order to early...

7 minute read

mnist_logistic_regression with Tensorflow

github : mnist_logistic_regression with Tensorflow mnist_logistic_regression import tensorflow as tf import random from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import...

4 minute read

opencv-python 코드 snippets

opencv 글 목록 목차 warpAffine을 이용한 기하학적 변환 warpAffine과 warpPerspective를 이용한 기하학적 변환 resize를 이용한...

18 minute read

Tensorboard with Keras

github : Tensorboard with Kearas Tensorflow offers Tensorboard which is good monitoring tool of learning...

11 minute read