Calculus 관련 글 목차

Calculus 관련 글 목차

2000, Jan 01    

  • 아래 내용은 대학 수학에 기본적으로 필요한 수학인 Kreyszig 공업수학 10판 내용과 Vector Calculus, Differential Geometry 입니다.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

  • 본 내용은 Kreyszig 공업수학으로 알려진 Advanced Engineering Mathematics의 내용을 책 순서대로 공부하여 정리한 글 목록 입니다.

Part A Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

Chapter 1 First-Order ODEs

Chapter 2 Second-Order Linear ODEs 46

Chapter 3 Higher Order Linear ODEs

Chapter 4 Systems of ODEs. Phase Plane. Qualitative Methods

Chapter 5 Series Solutions of ODEs. Special Functions

Chapter 6 Laplace Transforms

Part B Linear Algebra. Vector Calculus

Chapter 7 Linear Algebra: Matrices, Vectors, Determinants. Linear Systems

Chapter 8 Linear Algebra: Matrix Eigenvalue Problems

Chapter 9 Vector Differential Calculus. Grad, Div, Curl

Chapter 10 Vector Integral Calculus. Integral Theorems

Part C Fourier Analysis. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

Chapter 11 Fourier Analysis

Chapter 12 Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

Part D Complex Analysis

Chapter 13 Complex Numbers and Functions. Complex Differentiation

Chapter 14 Complex Integration

Chapter 15 Power Series, Taylor Series

Chapter 16 Laurent Series. Residue Integration

Chapter 17 Conformal Mapping

Chapter 18 Complex Analysis and Potential Theory

Part E Numeric Analysis

Chapter 19 Numerics in General

Chapter 20 Numeric Linear Algebra

Chapter 21 Numerics for ODEs and PDEs

Part F Optimization, Graphs

Chapter 22 Unconstrained Optimization. Linear Programming

Chapter 23 Graphs. Combinatorial Optimization

Vector Calculus

Differential Geometry

Calculus 관련 기타 내용